Moving into my 50’s, has my approach to my personal style changed? I can’t say it has although to be honest, I’ve not really given it that much thought. I don’t like to play into social stereotypes of what a woman of a certain age can/can’t/should/shouldn’t wear. The hot pants of my earlier years and skin tight strappy dresses that I now see my beautiful teenage daughter wearing and looking fabulous in, have long since turned to dust but I’m pretty sure that the older I get the more jewellery I’ll wear, the bigger my hair will get (if perimenopause is kind to me and so far she’s being fairly gentle) and the more fun I’ll have playing around with clothes. Silhouettes may change and who knows, I may even embrace more colour but what I can say with absolute certainty is that my love of clothes and how they make me feel and the joy they give me, will continue and no age will diminish that.