I don't know about you, but I have definitely noticed that during this lockdown, I've neglected my style and have found myself reaching for the comfiest, warmest items that are suitable for dog walking, but not much else. I've also noticed that on those days I'm not feeling as perky or upbeat as I usually do. Now I know we're living through unprecedented times and could never have predicted how this last year would have panned out, but my low energy isn't just as a result of working online only, not seeing friends or family and home schooling (to be fair, my daughter has been amazing) but the impact of wearing dull clothes has had a dulling effect on my mood too.
The days when I make more of an effort, put a bright lipstick (yes it might only be smeared across the inside of my mask and half way up my face but hey, it's colour!) and do my hair, I've noticed a big difference in how I feel, my mood and energy levels and I'm reminded of why I love clothes and how the power of a good outfit can instantly revive me and help put me in a better frame of mind.
On a recent poll I did on my Instagram page (if you're not following me, here I am instagram.com/karenlowepersonalstylist) 97% of people said they felt that Covid and lockdown had had a negative impact on their style. If you can relate to that statistic and are fed up of feeling flat and want to give yourself a brighter, more colourful outfit and outlook, let's chat. I promise I can help you to rediscover a sense of style that will fit into all aspects of your new normal - however that looks right now. And whilst I'm on the subject of all things brighter and more colourful, isn't it amazing to see the snowdrops, crocuses and daffodils flowering. As we've learnt through this experience, it's the small things that make a big difference. Oh and a great outfit!!