I’ve worked with many women and men whose personal stories have sometimes involved heartbreaking tragedy and illness but more often than not my clients have simply reached a point in their lives where they’re fed up of feeling ‘less than’, boring, frumpy, style-less and have lost themselves amongst the busy-ness of life. And that’s where I step in and lend a styling hand!
It’s always an honour to be involved in someones life and I feel incredibly grateful to be able to make a positive difference so that when my clients look in the mirror, they start to like who looks back at them. Right from the very beginning, I’ve always said that what I do isn’t just clothes, fashion and style but it’s about giving someone confidence through the use of clothing. Time and again my clients come back to tell me how much of a difference I’ve made in their lives which honestly, is one of the best feelings in the world.
So, here are the 10 things I’ve learnt since becoming a Personal Stylist and Image Consultant:
- It doesn’t matter someone’s age, shape, size, career or financial situation, most people have insecurities which will stop them from wearing a style or colour that they like.
- Many women feel under pressure when they get to a certain age that they can no longer wear styles of clothing for fear of looking age inappropriate and being described as “mutton dressed as lamb” - a term I detest.
- The majority of women feel just “alright” in their clothes.
- A high percentage of women dress to cover up the areas of themselves they like the least and feel most self conscious about, (wearing long tops to hide a tummy anyone!).
- Women don’t want to wear brighter, bolder colours for fear of standing out and being noticed.
- Most women think they are larger than they actually are.
- People project their insecurities and believe that the thing they think of themselves, is the same thing that everyone else thinks of them.
- Women don’t trust their own judgement when trying new clothes on and fear will stop them from buying it.
- More often than not, women, especially mums, will put everyone else’s needs before their own and will feel guilty for spending money on themselves.
- Women say the most cruel things about their bodies and are their own biggest and worst critics.
I could go on but you can see a common theme here. If you can relate to any of the above, get in touch and let’s chat or have a read of my testimonials to see it from my clients point of view. I would love to help get you out of your lack-of-confidence rut and into a place where the clothes you wear bring you pleasure and enjoyment and are a true reflection of who you really are and not who your critical self thinks you are. [email protected], 0771 875 0019