I'm in agreement with so much of what she says about the power of clothes, how they can give you confidence, empower you, make you happier, and learnt that scientists have given this a name, Enclothes Cognition. This relates to the symbolic meaning of clothing and the physical experience of wearing the clothes both of which have a direct correlation to how you feel about yourself. I often discuss this with clients and during talks and quote the same fashion pyschologist used in this talk, Dr Karen Pine and how "when you put clothes on you adapt the characteristics of what you are wearing". That's why when you wear your favourite dress or item of clothing that you know you look good in, you feel amazing.
It's such an interesting talk and for anyone that enjoys clothes and fashion, or even for those of you who think fashion is irrelevant and unnecessary, although I don't know why you'd be following me if you did!!, I highly recommend listening to this engaging and emotional talk whether you have a child with a disability or not.
Please watch and if you do I'd love to hear your thoughts.